It's so hard to be a faithful Witcher

Alogn with maturity, Yen has that annoying sarcasm and slight hint of bitchiness. I choose her not because I like her best (Team Shani if anyone), but because Geralt does (she's not that bad, but like I said, Team Shani if anything).

Triss on the other hand, while not equipped with the snark, had the sneaking and everything during the other two games. She manipulated Geralt in the first, took advantage of him and kept being secretive. In the second game, the sneakiness and everything that came with it continued.

The only thing I have against Shani is in The Witcher 1 when you have to choose to leave Alvin with either her or Triss - obviously magical kid that needs guidance to control his powers before he blows a fuse aaaaaaaaaaand a doctor. When I obviously chose the mage between the two, the game treats it as if that meant I chose Triss for a relationship, when it was just logic that i'd leave a kid having trouble with his magical powers with a freaking sorceress.

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