Hard to get gold healing with Ana since the new Lucio update?

I know how to play Ana. I made it to Master last season playing her a lot solo. Made 200SR today again by playing her solo. So I know how to play Ana.

The thing that just tilts me are people being like "oh just nade bla bla....".

Yes that's all nice and well on paper. But then again. Sometimes your nade in on cd. Because I use the nade offensively and not just waiting for a Genji to come around.

And regarding postioning. Yes that's important. But let me tell you something. You still have to see your steam so you're somewhat exposed. And like I said if you can see your team a Genji can see you when he dashes up into the air to activate his ult and get nano boosted. Then he comes down and one shots you.

I know people might now do this in your silver/gold level but at higher levels you can't just "hide".

If they have a good DPS he's gonna go exactly for you. Because they know you are super strong. Often the Genji goes first for the Ana or Mercy because if he doesn't all the damage he will do will be useless.

And like I said. If it's a a Nanoblade you can nade your feet all you want. One auto attack is gonna one shot you.

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