Why is it so hard to have a neutral and civil conversation about religion or politics?

Religion is easy, just think of comic book nerds fighting over marvel vs dc. It's same kinds of conversations but the justification that it's reality means they can be more uncivil. It being used as a power grab makes it political.

Most political conservations being uncivil requires a deep understanding of authoritarianism. The gist is being divisive and separating your group from others is a popular value and it's been this way for most of human history and normal interactions. If you're on the side of unifying then.. you're taking a side and that requires fighting if you really believe in it, then either side can decide how far they want to go. Being neutral is staying out and accepting the results. Also it's not a both sides thing and the solution isn't going to be move to moderate.

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread