The hard road to creating and launching a social app. How did things snowball!

Okay specifically I have a friend who used to live in Seattle/Redmond, and when I was up visiting him I met his friend who had been a rank file programmer at MS for about 3 or 4 years and left with $5M. This was early 90s. I know of secretaries or office managers of startups here in SB where I've lived since 87 that got out with 1-2 million in the late 90s to about 2002. This doesn't seem to happen much anymore (whole different topic).

My Apple friend I've yet to talk with, but he made several million in the 90s while at Adobe and then a lot more than that while at Apple. I will contact him when I feel it is the right time. He's more of my oldest friend's friend. I've known him since HS, but see him infrequently. My oldest friend could easily fund me, I see him fairly often, but I don't go there, for reasons that it would be inappropriate. What I'm doing is outside of his domain and he doesn't need money nor does he need to look outside of his domain to make money. Asking him for advice or to connect me with some of his contacts is another matter. Probably I will go down and hang out with him and his group after launch. Many of his friends are even wealthier than him. Maybe it will be the case that one or some of them will invest.

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