Hard stuck silver for 4 years. Should I just accept I’m garbage at this game and all the toxic assholes are right?

Well yeah, over a long period of time thats definitely true. I like that I get downvoted for saying its not statistically impossible to get a run of people that are on a down trend though, you only need one per team to make it feel like its unwinnable. Especially if you don't play that many games, because even getting 10-20 people that are outliers in terms of skill in your bracket in a row is definitely a possibility. Doubly when youre silver around the area where fresh accounts get placed, there can be a real difference in skill between someone that should be silver 1 and someone thats just chilling out in your game because they havnt played enough for their winrate to drag them into bronze.

By all means though, downvote anything that doesn't agree with you.

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