I have a hard time feeling sympathy for hurricane impacted areas.

I get what you’re saying. I will say that one video I saw of a fellow on Pine Island complaining that no one from the Authorities had checked in them was laughable.

I feel bad and it’s awful. After Katrina, and now that the world is seeing significant climate anomalies, my attitude is that if you’re moving into Hurricane Alley the you should expect the worst.

I’d also say that because of Katrina, I’ve learned and realized that logistics in a disaster zone are slow and inefficient, and if you’re going to ride a storm out, having enough for weeks should be where you’re head is at. Above and beyond food and water, tools, gas, a generator, SAT phone, chainsaw with extras to keep that going, a boat/kayak/canoe/inflatable, and many other little things we all take for granted when the infrastructure is intact.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread