The Hard Truth

Well EXCUSE ME, princess, I just so happened to make a simple mistake on my part. I honestly have never played any of the games, but I know enough about them.

But in the end, I didn’t know enough about them to know the first 6 were on Nintendo consoles. I truly am sorry is I offended you, but again, I just had a simple slip up. I am not a human encyclopedia. I don’t know EVERYTHING. If I did…well, I wouldn’t be here making a bigger fool of myself than I already am.

That’s right. I’m a fool. A silly, son of a sload, sent to sow the seeds of…of…something else that starts with the letter S.

Stupid cringey rant aside, my point is, I made a mistake. I except that. But was you comment really necessary? I feel like it wasn’t, but, that’s just my opinion. Anyway, let’s just extinguish this dumpster fire of a comment chain & call it a night.

Perhaps we’ll meet again under better circumstances?

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