Why is this so hard to understand?

It's posted during every Islamic attack, including recently during the Paris and Brussels attacks, but the type of thinking in this image is actually part of the problem. It pretends the problem is "twats" instead of a very specific ideology. Left wing people in the West will once again gather together in a group, hold hands, sing Kumbaya together, make some sort of internet hashtag about how we're all the same....and then wait for the next attack.

At some point, people in the West need to stop tiptoeing around and cease to be afraid of saying "yes, you're damn right our culture is better than yours, as long as you continue to maintain 15th century era beliefs and think that violence is a legit response to having your beliefs called out, this shit just isn't going to work out between us. Islam needs to reform and needs to thoroughly denounce the violent passages calling out for the death of non-believers and homosexuals that litter the Quran."

Yes not all Muslims are terrorists, yet only 57% of Muslims worldwide disapprove of Al Qaeda and only 51% disapprove of Taliban. Poll after poll shows that Muslims are incredibly intolerant of the very existence of homosexuals. Homosexuals are straight up executed in so many Muslims countries, its a crime punished by death. Stop being afraid to stand up for Western values. Stop yelling "racism!" when someone criticizes ideas.

Stop with the regressive leftism that defends ideologies that are completely at odds with liberal values simply because the people who hold these backward values are brown.

/r/pics Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com