Its hard when the kids cant get along with eachother

Ufh the cope... Greece as a country has less population than Syrian refugees in Turkey. Turkey has 8 to 9 times of population of Greece. With most of this population being young.

Entire Greece is in Turkish ballistic range. (which is why Erdo was making this NCD as fuck comment. He was talking about ballistic capabilities.)

Turkey has AWACS fleet, a capable Tanker fleet, huge drone fleet when matching the fighter fleet of Greece through safer airfields.

Turkey surpasses Greek navy in submarine fleet, doctrine matches 3 to 1 in naval fleet.

And most importantly capable of self relience on logistics and military hardware.

So 8 times the population in a large peninsula versus some islands which need to be resupplied through sea.

Worst case Izmir would burn but they got used to it at this point. Meanwhile islands would turn to Swiss cheese as Greece is crying where are their Westoid partners.

But I digrees. They will never ever fight. Erdo is going after NCD votes, but people sick of it at this point.

Karabogas love Gayreeks. Erdo no Karaboga.

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