Harley Davidson drivers - are you aware that the vast majority of people vehemently *hate* the noise you make?

Do we live in the same neighborhood? A relatively new neighbor moved in across the street and it’s like the fucking Clampetts arrived. Literally has turned the immediate area into a makeshift junkyard with 4 broken and rusted pickups parked in the front, all in various states of disrepair. He also has visitors that arrive in their shitbox pickups all day and night who just stand around watching him attempt to work on a completely rusted out F-250 which has never left the premises. He likes to rev and idle this thing non-stop for at least 2 hours every day with a trail of filthy exhaust that wafts everywhere. To top it off, he has people show up with snowmobiles and 4 wheelers that they run up and down across his front yard in my fucking suburban neighborhood while all of this is happening. I have fantasies of sending a guided missile into his driveway.

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