[Harm Reduction]Please Read if you recently ordered MDMA/BENZO RCs - Possible mix up w/ B-F/U-47700

SO So so sorry for the late response guys!!! I have been with family (surprise visit from my wife's aunt and all her cousins yayyyyy... fml)face palm

I received the two products on Friday, test was done... both substances tested and popped for mdma and benzo... Its sad and scary to think someone may have my fent and could jump the gun and dose like its molly...

Now, its late night monday/early am tuesday and we got nothing back from the lab about the substances. My second biggest concern besides the fact someone can die is what the fuck are in these rc's causing the positive results? More shall be revealed in a couple days from the lab test but I do not know how in depth the test is.

I am not the only one would like to know what compounds out there cause the positive results IF they were not blatantly stomped on with illicit street chemicals.

ALSO! Will the vendor do right on behalf of this mix up? So far they say there is no mix up.

Over the weekend I decided to test the compounds individually and look for results leading towards a benzo reaction and/or mdma reaction.

Substance 1. Claimed to be U-47700 - in my own lab, i took and tested 20mg from the 1.75grams given - The results were nill... Little to no reaction, maybe possible light euphoria but otherwise the test did not prove to be either chemical purchased considering the active dose per mg in each purchase. Testing retired. Did not exceed 0.125mg/lb dose. This seems to be the molly... Wondering if the dose was upped significantly, will it produce the classic "roll"

Substance 2:Claimed to be butyr-fentanyl, i pulled several doses for my next subject, this substance is weird. Testing several doses with several roi on my rat. All in all, the feeling of an opioid is there...but what kind? Highest test dose on rat was 3mg iv roi, strong effects of opioid like substance but something is definitely off. Of any dose, effects are similar to some kind of anesthesia. Most likely some kind of opioid rc but mixed with a benzo?

This is all I have right now, its all pure speculation and here say... Once facts come out I will post more, please spread the word about this as well. I posted in a lot of places when I first found out about this hoping to find someone who is expecting an order soon. :-/ things like this should not happen.

/r/researchchemicals Thread