Harvard Study Finds Anger Issues, Not Major Mental Illness, Tied To Gun Violence

Averaged among Finland's population of 5.3 million it comes to 30.5 per 100 people. Another study puts the number of firearms per capita as high as 0.55 Source

And about Belgium... murder rate is 1.6 source

And on this source is also the average murder count of europe as a whole, which is at 3. (And seriously, about half of them happend in Russia! 27 countries had a crime rate below 1.5, about 15 a murder rate of 1.5 or above, I counted this myself, so I may have miscounted a bit, the number of countries, not the crime rates.)

I don't know what rape has to do with this conversion

Sorry, I realized this after posting, too but didn't want to edit it out, since I had already posted it.

But well let's stop this comparison, dunno why I started with it since it's not really useful. This comparison alone, should've told everyon that it's not possible to compare. While searching I found 2 different countries, one with 5 (Estonia) and the other with nearly 20 (Russia) murders per 100k, but both had guns in a rate of about 9 in 100.

But this doesn't mean that I think guns have no influence on it. What I think is that guns make it easier (thats there purpose, isn't it?), making it easier for a person to kill another. Something that may have "only" ended in a brawl or some heavy injuries, with a gun present might easily turn out into murder. Killing someone with your fits, knife, a crowbar, or whatever is way more difficult then with a gun. Both physically and mentally! Someone who is mentally capable of killing someone with a gun is might not be capable to kill someone with a knife. Most would probably only be capable of thrusting the knife into the victim once, then they would run away. But with a gun, you can stay on range and shoot him, you're not as near to him as if you would do it with a knife.

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