HasanAbi - Hasan welcomes Minx to his home with a traditional Irish greeting

Great clip especially the emoji, love hasan.

But genuine question: Hasan is a multi-millionaire, and from his steady viewer and sub count he's gonna make many more millions over the next few years.

Does he really need a twitch contract where he has to run long ads every hour on his community? I am totally fine with people who watch 1000s of hours of free content having to watch an ad, but once you're swimming in millions with no point of stopping seems kind of poor taste to keep milking for as much as possible.

If he said he was routing all his revenue to a worthy cause I get it, but from the 3mil house fiasco it's obvious he's just pocketing it all for a lavish lifestyle.

/r/LivestreamFail Thread Parent Link - clips.twitch.tv