Hasbro got fucked

You do realize if hasbro made a game where men gain more then women and benifit a ton you'd be the same too, woman doesn't need that kind of "representation" and niether do men (don't misunderstand what i just said, im saying we should be more equal rather then have someone else benifit), men get offended because feminists already have equalitiy. They are just going for stupid reasons being (example) the chair, it worse because they have women a chair where they spread out and men just closed tight, its kind of sexist and the chair is in the past so im not going to get it involved. But im using it as an example as how crazy that is, its not nessasary, and plus this is a meme its a joke! Guys aren't being fragile, men are litterally saying how this is unessasary, no need to be all "gOd FoRBiD wOMaN gET aNy REprEsaNtaTiOn" "YoU cUcKS." Just chill.

/r/memes Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it