Hashinshin, Dekar, ICU, Wickd, Adrian Riven talk about LoL top lane patch.

After the recent trends, of insanely broken champs being shipped despite outcries (AP ratio galio buffs comes to mind), it's hard to call PBE changes tentative anymore, don't you think?

I mean no hate on riot or anything, it just feels like sometimes, PBE changes are more in terms of "Hey, nerdies, these are the changes that are gonna get shipped : help us find out the bugs, k thx bai". Sorry if I derailed the topic on question, adding to it, the state of game balance has never been this rickety. I'm sure it'll stagnate to 4 champs ruling the meta in no time, but yeah, alarming how an entire class is just "obsolete" without compensation. Weird how it seems runes matter much more now, even if they were just used to being extra stats slapped onto the champion.

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