I hate this.

If you're willing to change your diet a lot you might be able to make your life much easier. Especially if you can get a Dexcom G6. I have only injected my basal the last 3 days. I typically have unsweetened Greek yogurt with allulose chocolate chips for breakfast, salad with cheese and meat for lunch, then a less than 40g of complex carbs dinner followed by a jog or long walk, then take Tresiba before bed. My blood glucose is typically between 70-90, though after dinner might peak up to 125 briefly.

Fasting is also an alternative. Fewer meals and snacks means less insulin to take and less worry about checking your blood sugar. Also the best way to ensure your basal rate is correct as when fasting and not physically active, a correct basal will keep your BG flat. Obviously easiest to see if you have a CGM or FGM. You could look into intermittent fasting, 16:8s, or even OMAD.

/r/diabetes_t1 Thread