Why the Hate?

Brie made some comments regarding diversity in film criticisism. She didn't word them the best, and using a really snarky tone didn't help either, so it ended up sounding like a jab at white men. She also said some not so smart things (I want a professional movie review about a Disney in movie from a teen of colour">paraphrasing) ("Not just white dudes have the right to do Star Wars set visits">https://youtu.be/9pQNYeOEFJc?t=1039) so personally, even tho i agree with her sentiment and it carried valid points, i didn't really like her speech.

As always, the internet overreacted. A lot. I think that's more than enough explanation regarding the outrage, but if i were to title a movie about it, it'd be something like "Angry white-men vs fake sexism". Jokes aside: Daily videos about how Brie larson is a sexist man-hater, people trying to start dumb boycotts, and a baseless talk regarding how this will be the MCU's first flop. This just proves the internet is the biggest echo chamber for stupid people to scream at, and it just showed why white-men make it so that their race and gender are the butt of many internet jokes nowadays, and the main talk-point when it comes to sexism.

When it comes to the reviews: read paragraph 2.

In my opinion: The internet is stupid as always, but it managed to be a little bit stupider regarding Brie's speech. Fine movie, high quality like every MCU film, but the action was really bland and weightless, and also show don't tell.

/r/marvelstudios Thread