I hate this

I’m so, so sorry that that’s been your experience with the CF community.

As someone who’s CF myself I feel I can’t even participate, let alone look at the designated sub-Reddit because of the sheer vitriol against parents, children, and relatives alike. It’s so unreasonable, and for what? That sub feels like it’s solely for karma-farming now. It sucks. You happen to try to be reasonable on there and you’ll get downvoted into oblivion by the echo chamber.

I’m glad y’all have this place to vent. Truly. Parenthood seems like a hard and thankless thing to experience, especially with industrialisation and the decline in a village as a result. I wish I could tell you that it’ll get better but frankly, I’m not in the position to do so. You seem to be surrounded by a lovely bunch of people who get it though, so hopefully that’s helped?

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