The hate against EA for cosmetic microtransactions is just ridiculous at this point.

I happen to completely disapprove of EA. I don’t agree with or condone anything they have done with this game in terms of loot boxes and microtransactions. Yet, you assume everyone is a “mouthbreather” who loves EA just because they’re sick and tired of negativity and complaining and despite its flaws, just want to play the game in peace and fucking quiet

And are you serious? Do you even read the posts in this sub? 90% of the posts start with “EA blows” “dice is terrible” etc. And even the people who do speak positively about the game refer only to their enjoyment with it, and not to the larger corporate structures which have clearly abused the system here.

Do we approve? No.

Is that going to stop us from playing the game that we’ve already bought and enjoy?


/r/StarWarsBattlefront Thread Parent