The hate against Madrid

Do not take consistent r/soccer users seriously. They are not serious people. They are pointless slacktivists who comment on that subreddit for three reasons:

1) To engage in ritual performative caring following the guidance of their favourite baizuo celebrity-politician leaders. To practice theatrical shows of moral superiority and self-righteousness over flavour of the month politics while taking zero meaningful action toward the Cause™ they try to convince everyone they believe in;

2) In complete hypocritical fashion with respect to point 1), they engage in xenophobia toward non-local fans, gatekeeping anyone who might happen to live closer to, say, a 5th tier team than a Premier League team that's actually enjoyable to watch, all in a bizarre, embarrassingly transparent effort to establish themselves as the best and totally realest kind of fan in their delusional "true fan" hierarchy;

3) To win upvotes by putting someone down or otherwise stating popular opinions, often under the insincere guise of them being "unpopular". It's not about whether one user or another is more or less educated on the subject matter at hand -- none are sufficiently educated, experienced, or responsible enough to offer a useful opinion -- it's literal cockfighting and mudslinging for the purpose of winning upvotes for imaginary validation. A popularity contest among ignorant, empty-head belligerents for made-up numbers. r/soccer.

/r/realmadrid Thread