I hate this disorder.

I noticed in another post you mentioned your parents not wanting you to be "normal" and not diagnosed with anything. I'm glad you stand up for taking meds, but do you think this also affects your decision to not register with the college?

I ask because sometimes people around me shamed me for me falling short of "normal". They wanted me to be a certain person to avoid shame by proxy as well. It's kinds hard to explain because I don't understand it well.

So if I had the opportunity, accommodations might be shameful, well it would be shameful to my mom, because I was normal and "too intelligent" to need this. It was saying that I was disabled, and reflect badly on her bt proxy. She would feel I was also taking advantage because I "should" perform like a "normal" person and I was being lazy. I have had trouble accepting assistance for anything for this reason. This attitude has hamstrung and penalized me before, I am different.

But my dad would have been like, take advantage of whatever is available to you to helps you to be your best, don't feel guilty. If you have accommodations and you use them, great, if not you have a net and you're taking care if yourself which is great. He didn't see it as an excuse to turn in a late paper, he saw it as a tool to help me perform better when I needed it, which meant I was healthy, happy and successful.

I really still struggle anyway, because her voice is stronger than his.

I'm glad that you let your professors know, it sounds like they understand and are willing to accommodate you. Registering will protect you if they're not, and may be beneficial for other things, like allowing medical leave so you can withdraw without hurting your gpa.

I guess one way to think about it is, don't go into a storm wearing a raincoat because you should be able to handle the rain.

I dunno. Just some thoughts that have come from my own interior struggles with this. I often wonder still if I have a "right" to things. I've made life harder by not accepting assistance.

Another time in my life my therapist got mad at me for not applying for reduced fare for disability, for example, I felt bad because I was not physically disabled or elderly, but I was disabled enough by my illness that I needed it. I finally got it because I couldn't afford to see her without it. I could only bike or walk so far....

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