Why the hate for "Pick Me's"?

I actually last dated a man who was an "exploitation manager" on his actual business card.

Came over to my house, ate the dinner I cooked all evening in one gulp, left his dishes around the house, had sex and sweated all over my bed, wiped his sweat on my towels and dropped them on the floor, peed and left the seat up and then walked out the door with a smile.

I looked around my house and it had gone from domestic bliss to looking like a bomb had went off. I was so upset.

And he wasn't an a-hole, just really inexperienced with women, an incel (I came to discover), and lived at home his whole life aka never learned to clean up after himself.

When I broke up with him I felt so much relief watching him walk out the door.

I feel I can't trust myself anymore.

My last real relationship looked different because he gave me ALOT of things materially, but again, he took and took and took from me emotionally.

At this point in my life I am planning on just going my own way.

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