I hate life

I enjoy nothing. Everywhere i go, everywhere i see, all i see and feel is misery. I have some times where I'm happy or joyful but it only lasts for a couple seconds or minutes. Everything i hear and see is just so sad, i feel so sorry for human beings. I feel like we're tortured for so long and what's even worse is that some people are here to be tortured for 80 years and then they die and then they're tortured for eternity. I feel like I'm living in hell knowing this. And you know you just gotta accept it, you just gotta accept that that's the truth and that's life. I'm so scared of God, i feel like I might be sent to hell, cause he knows what I'm doing. I just feel like we're all toys and that we have no choice, i guess the only good thing is going to heaven, which i hope i'm able to make it. But not sinning is so hard, i know it's excuses i just try to avoid social media and everything and the internet and not get caught up in everything that's going on.

/r/Christianity Thread