I Hate Min/Max "Purists"

Dont waste your time. I always knew that there are those who play to win and those who forgot that you can actually win.

Its when people stop to think about the game as a causality based action but rather view it as an escaping mechanism, which is a problem by itself I guess, that they develope this view of "I just ever only play to have MY KIND OF fun"..

but unfortunatly most of the times those people also dont realize that while it is fine for you to "slack off", it is NOT fine for them to expect YOU to be as lazy and useless as they are.

Thats the thing here, which dis "Ebonslayer" will maybe someday realize.. if you dont want to give it your best shot at winning, dont play with people who do. Your "Clan mate" wants to Win and progress as best as possible.. why is it your choice that is more important than his choice?

If you view both points objectivly well Slayer-bayer.. you are in the wrong. Simply due to the fact that Games have a Winner and a "Not-the-Winner" and are usually specifically made around this. Just to serve this one purpose. Decide who is better: You? The AI? The other Player?

If you are fine beeing "Not-the-Winner" its fine, but dont drag others down towards the bottom of the pit with you just because you dont have the strength or willpower to struggle through..

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