I hate that people are congratulating a girl on getting pregnant

This reminds me of when my jobless 32 year old cousin and his 21 year old girlfriend he'd been with for less than a year announced to the whole family that she's pregnant. As expected, everyone but me got super excited and congratulatory whereas I was just in the corner rolling my eyes.

It's been 3 years since then. As of right now they're living in some run-down house and are anything but stable. She's a drug addict (hard drugs) and he's an alcoholic who I think does cocaine with her quite a bit, even when the kid is in the house. When they're not fucked up, they're fighting like psychos. The kid spends like 60% of his time with one of his grandmothers and the mother has been trying to leave him and take the baby for a while now.

Like.. why? And they weren't even happy when she got pregnant - all they did was fight back then too. She didn't even want to have the baby but he insisted and now both of their lives are a shitshow. This is what they signed up for and it was completely predictable and avoidable. This is what the rest of their lives are going to look like.

..and yet people congratulate this.

/r/childfree Thread