Hate people who think like this

A burqa worn as the woman's choice and not from the pressure of society or men is fucking radical and it's stupid that people (cough cough white Westerners) equate it with evil oppression. She's basically saying "Fuck off with your gaze. I'm not an object to be ogled at, I am a person first and I will force you to see as much."

At the end of the day, a woman dressed in revealing clothes and a woman dressed in modest clothes want the exact same thing- to be respected as a human being and for people to mind their own damn business.

When people continually retort with "Oh should she be wearing a BURQA then??" it rings Islamophobic and does nothing to help feminist movement. You cannot lift a group up while bashing others of the same group down.

/r/NotHowGirlsWork Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it