I hate the politcal system in the states

Man fuck politics. I used to be a lefty before I realized how idiotic both sides are and always will be. In my personal opinion politics will always be fucked somehow and there’s no use getting at all emotional invested in it. The example I always think of is the movement of the 60s. Whether or not you agreed with the predominant lifestyle or political feelings of the new generation at the time, there’s no denying that during those 5 or so years America experienced a cultural and political revolution that was seemingly unprecedented. And what came out of it politically? We got Nixon who fucked us all over big time. A whole generation came together with a new idea in mind and shit was politics were still a shitshow. That’s why I really don’t believe America or any other country could be a utopia or some shit. If we ever had a chance it was in 1968. You really just have to separate yourself from politics. Just love life for yourself and look down on politics like the shitshow it is. Maybe even laugh at how absurd it all is. Sorry for the incoherent rant I just had a few thoughts

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread