I Hate The Question "What Do You Do In Your Free Time?"

I love watching anime and playing video games but I realise that these are not topics that I can engage the average person with in conversation - I also go clubbing, watch movies, work out, play sports etc so I tend to focus more on these more 'accessible' interests when someone asks me what my hobbies are. It's not always best for every conversation to bring up your post passionate interests . You may have other hobbies you're not thinking about because they are not as important to you - consider using them in a conversation like this.

Unfortunately. I've found that so many people have uninformed negative opinions about what anime is that it's pretty counterproductive to bring up with the average person - best to save it with someone you know is either open-minded or who also has the same interests.

Anime isn't even the worst one - try being a fan of pro wrestling and trying to explain that one to someone who doesn't 'get it'.

/r/socialskills Thread