I hate to say it, I really do but I'm beginning to believe all white people are naturally racist.

Try being gay and black you will spend your entire life fighting and you will never get a break ever. Embrace it for what it is and know you will ALWAYS have to work harder and go through more it is what it is being a minority is not for the weak let alone a double one.

To me an asshole is an asshole I've met racist white people and bigoted black pepole there is no safe haven only opposition.

The world is a cold uncaring bitch and it will eat you up if your not strong enough to tolerate it.

You can't control others only you let them be racist ignorant bastards. The sad part is when it's done to you enough it's so easy to change you and turn you into exactly what it is that you hate. Never become what you hate don't let the racism they direct to you change the person you are at your core.

You also have to understand that it's easy to be something when circumstances allow you to be it. As a black person you know and understand discrimination because of your personal experiences so have a greater level of empathy and compassion so you can't relate to racist white people.

However if you grew up whote in a society that teaches you from birth minorities are beneath you and that you are superior there's a good chance you would be what you hate.

We are a condition of our circumstances and experiences as well as the social fabric we are placed in. Knowing this doesnt stop you from getting pissed off when you are discriminated against. But sometimes if you can make sense of what is wrong why it's wrong and how it's wrong it helps you get by.

At least for me it does. No matter how many racists bigots or people who don't even think I deserve the right to live I encounter it is my life it belongs to me and I k ow my heart and I know who I am and I will be mother fucking damned if any mother fuckers can impede my journey.

Don't let racist people discourage you there are still nice people around they are just getting harder and harder to find is all.

/r/offmychest Thread