Why You Hate: Techies. A video to spam to your techies playing friends who are bad

Really great video, Slacks. Never really considered using Agh's Sign offensively in my 150+ Techies games, I'll definitely try that out.

I like the point about denying yourself being a free BoTs, but I've been trying a somewhat modified strategy lately that I've found to be quite interesting. Very early game is similar to as you've said; but if I'm able to get my offlaner in a very good position (and ideally after I dent myself and perhaps kill one of the enemy safe lane heroes), I sometimes will walk back to lane, mining on the way. Maybe a mine near the T3, a mine between the T1 or T2, something like that. I've had plenty of games where I secure the early game and play Techies more offensively, but after one bad team fight or lost tower I just see nonstop pings on offensive mines, with angry cries about the lack of mines near our towers/base. Plenty of other times in the game I'll walk down a lane rather than TP, mining as I move.

Essentially, I agree with the notion that Techies can be leveraged very offensively; but sometimes I go extra on that idea of "not needing as much gold and exp" and mine areas WAY before enemies will get there. It's preparing for failure, or more specifically, the failure of your teammates, and dissuades those angry pings about no defensive mines.

/r/DotA2 Thread Link - youtube.com