The hate towards teens who use drugs needs to stop

I went to High school in a medium sized town close to a huge city from 1999-2003. Back then all we did was weed booze and the occasional shroom trip. LSD was unavailable at the time so no one had access to it. I used DXM and codiene but only on my own.

Hearing how all these teens these days are having big LSD gatherings and also get fucked up on Molly and cocaine and benzos blows my mind. No one knew what a benzo was at my school and I hung out and partied with many many people.

In my time it was weed drinking and shrooms that's it. I didn't get access to hard stuff til way after HS. I wasn't some sheltered hermit. I was on sports teams and had friends from every social clique and no pills or hard drugs were ever used or talked about or bragged about or gossipped about.

I am betting be rates of mental illness skyrocket once these teens that are drugging it up hard get older. Bartarded back in my day would make you look like a retard but now kids use it as a social status to show off how edgy they are.

/r/Drugs Thread