I hate when people act like a good diet, exercise and sleep routine won’t improve their depression.

probably shouldn’t have mentioned rape because that’s really not a mental illness and I am sorry that happened to you so let me rephrase this

like I said I have PTSD too but honestly it’s a cakewalk in comparison to having bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder because rape is not a mental illness and PTSD is more workable

But I’m not shaming you. Trauma sucks. My PTSD sucks

I am not saying that that exercise and eating right and all those things doesn’t do anything good for anybody

again however other people have more severe illnesseslike bipolar, schizophrenia schizoaffective disorder and borderline personality disorder etc. etc

now if you add severe mental illness PLUS ptsd and trauma it makes exercising and eating healthy not impact much if at all other than producing a negligent amt of seratonin and lowering cholesterol etc for many people

no two disorders are the same and the more you have the more severe and very hard it is for the things that you were mentioning to be very effective is what I’m saying

I feel like if I only had PTSD I would be so much more better off because it wouldn’t cause me to stay down for so long

don’t get me wrong the flashbacks are awful as is the irritability and depression but before I had PTSD and even till now I still feel that being bipolar and having borderline personality disorder are way much more severe and have caused the majority of my issues

it’s crazy that you’re a victim of rape at the same time your victim shaming people

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread Parent