I hate the writing in most Hollywood films these days

No comment has ever infuriated me as much as this one.

YES, I FUCKING KNOW I HAVE TO FILTER. But, that doesn't mean that we should turn a blind eye to bad art and bad movies without attempting to improve future art and movies.

Saying "That trash pile there is fine, we just got to ignore it. You gotta filter, man, look at the clean things instead," will just make the trash pile get bigger. I have too much love and respect for the industry to accept that they can't do better, that they can't possibly meet the standards I have for them.

If you honestly believe what you typed, you're choosing to believe that these artists shouldn't be encouraged to improve. Imagine if someone said that to you? Imagine if someone said "It's okay that you're not good at sports. Not everyone can be good at soccer, and you're one of them. Now, don't come to practice because you can't improve and the team will just have to accept that there's no possibility of us winning the tournament."

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