Hatred towards immigrants is misguided

Really? People are downvoting this?

Can we just have an honest conversation, people? How do you ever expect to get anywhere with these issues if you’re downvoting a guy that is saying not Everyone who is conservative is racist? That’s absolute insanity.

I LEAN MORE LEFT THAN ANYTHING and this is why you will see 4 more years of trump, I’m telling you.

Normal people do not downvote people for declaring half the country is nor racist. Left & Right, I promise you, if you reach to the other side and have an honest conversation and not a match where you try and grill someone on Twitter or Reddit, you’ll find you almost always agree on some form of the root issue, you just disagree on how to implement it.

I’m not sure when the left got so big on censoring people they don’t agree with, and shutting down free speech. Having conversations and being open to ideas used to be more of a left thing, idk what happened to us but it’s sad.

/r/WhitePeopleTwitter Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com