Why haven’t you killed yourself? How do you justify taking up space on this planet?

Not sure if you’re genuinely trying to tell people in the comments whether or not they’re allowed to have value, but it doesn’t matter what you say or ask anyways.

I’ve come through way too much to stop now. I care about positivity and spreading that positivity, I won’t make waves on this earth, but I hope the ripples that I do make help make it better for other people in my life. There was a time where I tried to justify my life to the point of believing in my worthlessness as much as my abusive father did, but not anymore.

I’m here, and I’m alive, and I am worth the same air everyone else breathes. Everyone has value. And maybe if we taught people that instead of this stupid “hustle hierarchy” to prove it, there wouldn’t be any question about it. Or people who think they can denounce another human being of their human status just because they don’t “contribute” adequately.

/r/morbidquestions Thread