“Having a child and being a mom is the best experience a woman can have” posting on the book of faces while the nanny takes care of the kid

but hell if you’re gonna have a kid the least you can do is be the child’s parent on your days off.

Just because you are not currently carrying the sleeping baby in the shop doesnt mean you are not parenting or will not spend time with the kid when you get home. Maybe she was for example picking the groceries and it is easier if she does not have to hold the baby?

Its unclear me from comparing your title to your post whether the mom actually texted on facebook what you quoted her as texting or whether that is something you just think of her and added on top. Because it is mentioned in the title but not in the actual story.

But what really gets me riled up is that this young woman (late 20’s) can’t be bothered with taking care of her child on a holiday, specially since most people here are catholic or Christian and Holy Week is a national holiday.

It sounds to me like quite a leap to make from a nanny carrying the kid while the mother is doing groceries to the mother not being bothered to take care of her child....

/r/childfree Thread