I was having a fun day with a friend, until he ruined it

My friend of 8 years and I went out this past spring. She came over, saw my toddlers, said hi to my husband. We picked up our food, found a picnic table and ate our dinner. We had an alcoholic beverage and sat and talked for a while. I said that I was going to go back to university in the fall and asked if she wanted to go walk around the campus as it was only a few minutes away. We went to a gas station and she asked me to buy a pack of gum after I went pee. We go to the university and she hands me another opened drink. We were walking around and I blacked out. I remember a few moments here and there. Thoughts of being banned from campus if anyone found out how inebriated I was. Thoughts of why do I feel this way. Confusion. Trying to get away from her. She tried to kiss me three different times and I remember saying no and then suddenly be up somewhere else on the campus grounds. Then I remember her driving my car and I was 45 minutes away from the little town we were just in. I remember her saying, “poor baby,” constantly in the car as I moaned in agony. She then took me back to my house and I went and slept next to my husband. The next day I woke up and I believe she drugged me. Especially thinking about the gum aspect, I think she knew she was going to drug me and make a move so she wanted fresh breath. I’m a nurse and I take my license very seriously. Whenever I’m in public I limit myself with alcohol so I don’t ever have the possibility of driving buzzed. Sometimes I second guess myself like maybe I did drink too much and now I’m blaming her for something that’s my fault. But then I also know that I have drank at home and have never let myself get that intoxicated. I couldn’t go to the university in the fall. I lost all desire and excitement about it. I would drive by the university on occasion and have severe anxiety. I also lost a good friend. It’s all messed up.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread