Having a girlfriend has reduced my social life to almost zero

Are they supportive of you going out and doing things or are they expecting your full time attention? That's the big differentiator imo. I didn't allow myself to get into relationships for a long time because everytime I got into one I felt like I had to always entertain them, always be fun and someone they were excited to be around. None of them ever said this or expected it of me. I just assumed it and it really lead to some bad breakups because I would begin to resent them because I felt like I never had time to myself and that I had to always put on my fun loving social extrovert mask. I basically refused to ever live with a girlfirend again.

I've tried to work on communication a lot more in my current relationship. Told my girlfriend I have these feelings and she told to ignore them. I don't have to really entertain her at all. She can watch Netflix and I can play games in the same room and I don't feel like she's mad that I'm ignoring her. I could even go grab drinks with my friends without her and she wouldn't mind it. She can go grab drinks with her friends and I'm fine with it. Or we can just sit on the couch watching tv and barely talk for 5 hours.

Im older than you and I think a lot of my issues in the past were self imposed. I have expectations of people which means I have expectations of myself. I was worried about being a bad boyfriend so much I became a bad boyfriend.

My point is work on communication. Go out if you want to go out. If you don't feel like going out stay in. You're no more a boring person or a shut in or a hermit or any of that. It's hard in your 20s because literally everyone seems like they're out partying. I did it for a long time.

Guess what. I'm in my mid 30s and honestly don't miss any of it. I don't miss the people fighting, the crowds, the loud music, the cheaters, the thieves, the one night stands, the addictions, the breakups, the friends going to rehab..

/r/introvert Thread