Having a hard time dealing with my days off.

Why the hell are you staying up from 0800/1100 Wednesday all the way until noon Thursday? That's insane.

Here's what works for me....

My first day off....I take a nap sometime in the afternoon. Anywhere from 2-4 hours. Personally I usually try from (sorry I need to switch to regular time) 2/3pm until 5/6pm. Now, I don't know if that cuts into the time you want to spend with your father, adjust it if you do.

That nap keeps me from feeling like absolute crap the rest of the night.

So I'm up around dinner time, and I stay up until midnight-1am.

Because of that nap, I usually wake up naturally around 6am feeling pretty alright.

My second day off, I'm good with a normal schedule. I'm from 6am until around midnight again. That night I get a solid 8 hours, wake up the next morning 8am.

I stay up until around 6pm, then nap four hours until 10pm (I work at 11pm). That four hour nap is enough to get me through an eight hour shift. Am I a little tired around five or six hours in? Sure. But it's not too bad.

If you want to have a relatively "normal" schedule on your days off, I personally feel like this is the best way to do it.

/r/Nightshift Thread