Having trouble finding out if I’m ovulating

FWIW- we have had very similar experiences.

At 15, I had a partial salpingectomy. Was on BC since that age until I was 31. TTC since Oct 2021 with no luck.

Bought a Mira tracker, not a huge fan of it (so expensive for upkeep) but noticed my LH surges every other month it seems. Haven’t been successful so I went to a fertility clinic and found that my thyroid was a bit out of wack. I found that strange since I have consistent 30 day cycles, 3 day periods. I was started on Metformin and Levothryoxine. We’ll see what happens next…

I don’t know if any of this helps but I want you to know you’re not alone! Sending positive energy your way.

/r/TryingForABaby Thread