Hawaii senators fire back at Sessions: 'We won’t succumb to your dog whistle politics'

Your own source admits that race has no scientific basis

No, it doesn't. First of all, you've taken the quote out of context. Secondly, you've misunderstood the sentence entirely. I'll highlight the key words you're overlooking.

Well, obviously, the races do not differ in the sense that every member of one race has some trait, or gene, that no member of another race has.

And, I'll put it in context:

However, they do differ in terms of what the average person from each race is like. For one, as we all know, the races differ in mean skin color and various other “superficial” traits such as hair color and hair type, the length and density of various bones, muscle composition, etc., (Garn 1951; Pollitzer and Anderson 1989; Connor 2012; Araujo 2010). Perhaps less well known is that these differences do not stop at the outside of the skull. Dozens of studies going back over a hundred years have shown that races differ in mean brain size and modern technology has recently revealed that races also differ in brain shape (Fann et al. 2015). Racial groups also differ in their frequency of various gene variants and the rate at which they possess various diseases (including genetic diseases) (Piffer 2015; Ebert et al. 2014; Mega 2015; Piel et al. 2014) .

As we’ve already discussed, differences allow for prediction. Researchers can predict someone’s self-identified race with more than 95% accuracy using measures of their skull, and over 99% accuracy by looking at their genome (Sesardic 2010; (((Rosenberg))) et al. 2002; Tang et al. 2005; (((Rosenberg))) et al. 2005; Bamshad et al. 2003; Guo 2015).

You, quite simply, are not grasping the race issue. Politics in the current era do not make any sense unless you put them in a race realist context.

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