He is cute though

  1. Posting images of children on the internet is disgusting.
  2. Giving your child a bag that is bigger than his or her body is foolish.
  3. The two people in the profile pic are white, so this kid must be adopted.
  4. If he isn't adopted, then it's some science experiment.
  5. Calling your brother cute for internet attention is a waste of our time.
  6. That last smile of his looks devious. [Usually when children smile their eyebrows come up.](https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/he-is-a-summer-child-picture-id902827434?s=2048x2048) But here, they frown downward.
  7. I hate all children.
/r/MadeMeSmile Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com