He left me for her, how do I cope.

I know right now you're feeling desperate, angry, hurt and alone. And the first thing you want to do is get revenge, sleep with other people and hurt someone too. That's normal. But you shouldn't do that. Don't be like him. Don't go down that path. You should always fall back on your best character. Be the bigger person now and you've already won. Feel the pain for now. I was in your position once and I wrote some rather nasty stuff to the other girl. I'm glad I realized sooner than later. Apologized to her that it won't happen again and it never it. In a month you'll see what I mean. And so will he. So take your time. Be a good person. You'll find someone who'll actually care about you. Maybe you'll be alone and that's okay too. But you still have your life and character and you can't throw that away because of someone else who doesn't have any. I understand that revenge sometimes works as closure for the victim and it reinstitute a sense of justice when the ordinary mechanisms do not seem to deliver but revenge will always keep your wound green if you're not a person who's revengeful in nature. I'm not here to give you philanthropic advises to forgive your wrongdoers. It's on you. I'm speaking from a personal experience and revenge is never worth it. It's a cruel world out there where bad things do happen to good people. Revenge then consumes a person and alters them in irreversible ways. Revenge for me lies in a realm of Grey. It's kinda complicated. But in any case don't lose yourself in all this commotion. Take care love. I hope you come out of this much stronger than you already are :*

/r/JustNoSO Thread