He was literally just posted here, and got my name from my comment on the post. This ensued. (Sorry for low quality, did what I could with the programs I have)

Cherry picking for validation. Trying to invalidate calls for civility. Coming back to an issue that’s done and over ask me a question and then silence me? Nothing but assumptions and accusations?

Did you really come back after several days just to say “are you done now”?

Ya know, I would expect someone in the heat of the moment to be flustered and not be able to have a civil conversation. That’s why I feel it’s always important to give people space to calm down first. But to still be angry over a ridiculously small internet clash after days?

I, still always game a civil conversation. civil as an being able to accept the actions of what we have done and acknowledging both individuals.

So if you ever feel like getting off that hate train and transitioning somewhere a little more positive, you’ll have a pal waiting.if I don’t see ya later, have a good one miss. I hope you find your peace ❤️

/r/niceguys Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it