"He told me that according to Islam he is allowed to rape an unbeliever. He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to God." ISIS Enshrines a Theology of Rape

Hi there. I concede that I did make generalizations about Islam and that my generalizations do not apply to all every person who identifies as a Muslim.

I had a quick look through your post history and I see that you identify as Muslim. You also seem to live in America, but I could be wrong. I hope you don't mind me asking you a few questions...

I'd appreciate if you could tell me a bit about your interpretation of Islam and how you came to identify as Muslim. Do you interpret the Quran as literal truth? Do you think that Muhammad was actually chosen by God to receive the last revelation to humanity? Do you believe that the Quran is a holy book? If so, why?

Can you tell me how you interpret the term kafir? I have read that Islam does not hold all Non-Muslims to be kafir but I'm interested in hearing your take on it.

I will admit that I was judging Islam but I was not judging it based solely on what a hated minority of extremists do. I was judging Islam based on my interpretation of it.

As for Christianity, well, I actually do think that Christianity is evil but not solely because of what is happening or Uganda or CAR. I think all belief systems can be dangerous. I think this is especially the case when beliefs become institutionalized. Institutionalized religion is, I think, a tool of the powerful. Personal metaphysics and mysticism are, in my opinion, absolutely justifiable as means of expressing ones individuality.

Why do you think people so obsessed with being a part of a religious group? I lean towards thinking it's about identity and group-cohesion. Nobody wants to be alone in their beliefs and so people congregate around symbols (ie. Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha) and then practice their own personal interpretations of these symbols. Some people practice their personal interpretations in a relatively harmless and benign way and others use their practice to justify the attainment of their desires (ie. power, sex, authority etc.)

This comment has gotten a bit long and so I'll leave it at this. Thanks for your time.

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