He totally said this, I swear

("Majority Tyranny")[ https://edsitement.neh.gov/curricula/alexis-de-tocqueville-tyranny-majority] was a real concern for the (founders)[https://jurnal.ugm.ac.id/rubikon/article/download/34158/20383\], particularly under the Articles of Confederation. So much so that we currently have some institutions that contribute to the (opposite)[https://legaljournal.princeton.edu/tyranny-of-the-minority-the-unconstitutionality-of-the-filibuster/] happening now. Clearly this quote misrepresents Jefferson, but it is a fascinating subject nonetheless. The modern conservative is only concerned with shaping an argument to appear to be a victim and not facts so they say anything as long as their followers believe it. Really sad and incredibly dangerous.

/r/forwardsfromgrandma Thread Link - i.redd.it