He wants to keep the match ball

Dude go back and read the thread.

No one said it was a rule, no one lied - you're making that shit up in order to justify your ignorance and idiocy.
The chain of comments you were replying to specifically said "traditionally".

Re-read what you actually said:

Secondly, this is completely made up, I dare to say nobody in history won a ball for completing the first hat trick of the match xD.

This is what people were calling you out on for being wrong. Because a 15 second google will shows HUNDREDS of players who were awarded (and by tradition it is signed by the ref, and players), by the referee a match ball for a hat trick.
Well really is that the player who scored the hattrick "claims" the ball, and the ref and the home club (who technically own the ball) allow it.
And yes maybe if you're Ronaldo you can take the match ball for something else and no one will argue.
But that isn't the tradition and it would be considered arrogant and rude.
And Ronaldo is an arrogant prick (even if he is one of the best in the world) so there is that.

Again no one said it was a rule, you're arguing that with no one but yourself to prove yourself "right" on something you were clearly bloody ignorant about the tradition of a hat trick getting the match ball.
And you were clearly ignorant of what the "match ball" is.
And you were ignorant about how important that is to european football culture.

Now you're desperately trying to find 1 counter example where someone got a match ball without a hat trick as if a single exception somehow invalidates a decades old tradition.

Seriously mate, but you are basically being an ignorant foreigner on something you don't understand.
You're doing exactly what you've shit talked Americans for doing in this very chain of comments.

The irony of your dumb-arsery is actually fantastic.

/r/gifs Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com