Head of DTCC just confirmed short positions did not get margin called in January

Answer (Mr. Michael Bodson speaking):
Thank you congressman, it's a difficult question, what we saw during this period of time is obviously arbitrage going up tremendously as a result of market conditions which were unseen - I have to be truthgul - I've been in the markets for over 40 years and never seen this sort of concentrated activity in a series of stocks and the impact that they have on the market ?? the clearing house.

what we want to make sure people understand is our collection of the margin protectants everybody from almost everybody. We talk a lot about what happened with Robbin Hood and their meeting the margin charge - which they did and they remain in good standing - but if somebody else had gone into default during that period of time, Robinhood nor RH's clients would need to worry about trades being consummated, and I think that's the story that I think is getting lost somewhere in there somehow is that the system worked.

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