heads up ya depressed bastards

You give fuck all about us. Posts like these are just stupid karma farms. Could kill myself Right now and you'd still laugh tomorrow not even knowing and if you knew me you wouldn't remember.

Some people ( like me) are just born losers. Not that they're born to lose i don't believe in God or fate any of that stuff so being born specfically for a "reason" is absolute bullshit to me.

But we are just losers. No matter what we do we fail. I can't even get a job, my house is infested with rats i can't get rid of and if you think i have money to move youre dumb fucked buddy.

I can't get anywhere no matter what i do, how many applications i put in, calls i make or steps i take for my goals. I have no ambition anymore and just barely any will to live. But boy this post sure " woke " me.

If i just believe it'll make others hire me!

If i just Believe ill get a new house with no money!

Fuck off

/r/Advice Thread