Health, Alcoholism, and Craft Beer

My hangovers and tolerance have both decreased dramatically, oddly enough.

I used to feel barely anything from alcohol apart from derealization, dissociation, downward-drooping vision where my eyes would fall downward in an arc, warmth, numbness, clumsiness, slowed reflexes, nausea, and finally (after about 20 drinks) sedation. Still became a heavy drinker just to induce unconsciousness for relief from depression, insomnia, and restless legs syndrome and because the derealization/dissociation from my guilt/anxiety was comforting. (To explain more about the derealization, the alcohol makes me more conscious of my visual snow and the bizarreness and arbitrariness of perspective and reality, leading to me viewing the world in a more third-person way.)

I take a combo of antidepressants which have a (sort of) tolerance-reducing effect on alcohol. Still feel barely anything but the downward-drooping vision stopped and now I black out at about 15 drinks and get sleepy within a few hours with only 2. Blackout me doesn't do much, though, just goes to bed and sleeps.

Then for the hangovers, I take a shot of vitamin B complex. Also, I drink everything quickly within an hour on an empty stomach to maximize intoxication for the dosage of alcohol (technically using another route of administration would help, too, but fuck that) and avoid getting drunk on brandy... prefer vodka and beer for the serious drinking. This lets me take 15 drinks without a noticeable hangover.

I really don't understand the effects of ethanol on my CNS (although obviously it's still just as harmful to my liver)... my neurochemistry must be all fucky.

I've noticed some new feelings from taking a moderate dose of nutmeg, like a localized warm, cozy, spicy feeling in the knees after exercising or in the forehead after drinking, so either the muscarinic antagonism or MAOI inhibition must have done something. Stronger MAOIs have lots of drug/food interactions so I want to try a selective MAO-B inhibitor like rasagiline.

I am cutting down the drinking, which isn't that hard, just to calm down my psychiatrist and parents. I don't have much of a sense of long-term self-preservation.

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